
Nova Hunting The Elements Worksheets 2024

Everything in our universe is made up of elements, from the carbon in our cells to the metals in our smartphones. The strongest acids, the deadliest poisons, the most numerous elements in the cosmos, and the rarest of the rare substances created in atom smashers that flicker into life for only fractions of a second are all explored in NOVA's Hunting the Elements. The Hunting the Elements movie is about two hours long, yet it moves quickly, has lots of explosions and other eye-catching displays, and is full of numerous corny jokes to keep kids entertained. We have prepared various NOVA's Hunting the Elements worksheets which consist of various questions to enable students to pay attention to the video while quickly recording their answers. If you are looking for a way to re-teach and provide additional practice when it comes to the elements, give our nova hunting the elements worksheets a try. We’re sure that these Chemistry worksheets would be a great reinforcement activity.

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