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Paragraph Worksheets 2024

Handwriting is much more than a means of communication. It's a part of our personality; you can always tell whether something was written by you or someone else. The flourishes or how we write a letter can reveal a lot about our personalities. When we're in a hurry, our daily handwriting can go from super neat to chicken scrawl. 

Everything from the pen or paper used to achieve such elegance to tips on how to improve handwriting skills. Slow down, aim for consistency in your letter forms, and practice are thought to be three important tips for handwriting. Slowing down makes you more mindful of putting pen to paper, so you pay more attention to letter form consistency. There is also no substitute for practice, whether it is as formal as handwritten drills or as simple as making a daily to-do list.

If you want a structured way to improve your handwriting, we offer several handwriting paragraph practice worksheets for you to practice, even short sentences or paragraphs! There are a lot of handwriting worksheets focused on writing — you can download them or print them out. These handwriting paragraph practice sheets take you through drills, capital and lowercase letters, words, and sentences. If you are looking for some personalized copies, use our handwriting worksheet generator to create your own Handwriting Paragraph Practice Sheets. 

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