The well-known Disney cartoon character Minnie Mouse is the girlfriend of Mickey Mouse, the official mascot of Disney. Created by American animators Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney, Minnie Mouse first made an appearance in the Disney animated short film named “Plane Crazy”. Since then, she has appeared in many Disney cartoons, animated short films, and feature-length animated films. Minnie Mouse has gained popularity all over the world and her mouse ears and big bow are frequently seen on school supplies and other girly goods. Little girls especially love this adorable mouse figure. If you are looking for Minnie Mouse coloring pages for your little girl, or just because they are beautiful and fun to color in, you have come to the right place! We have a wide variety of Minnie Mouse pictures, so you can definitely find a suitable one for your child. Your children can travel to a fun land with their beloved mouse while exploring their creativity with these Minnie Mouse coloring pages. Go ahead and select one for your girl.
Besides, you can explore more related coloring pages for other topics on our WorksheetZone website!