Alice in Wonderland is a children’s story written by British writer Lewis Carroll, which was adapted into an animated film by Disney in 1951. It tells the story of a young girl named Alice who discovers a magical world full of anthropomorphic creatures after falling down a rabbit hole. With so many strange and wonderful characters in the series, you'll have plenty of possibilities to employing beautiful colors. In order to take your kids into a big fantasy realm, we have compiled a collection of Alice in wonderland coloring pages. You will meet the young girl Alice and a variety of other adorable and humorous characters, including the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, and talking dishes. With scenes from the series and all kinds of characters, these coloring pages will make the perfect outlet for your kids to unleash an explosion of colors and express their creativity. It will also encourage your children to focus on details, and develop creativity, concentration, motor skills, and color recognition. Give your kids a chance to utilize their imagination to create stunning works of art that you can be proud of with these Alice in wonderland coloring pages.