Wings of fire is a famous American fantasy, mystery, romance, comedy, and action novel series, which tells us about the fictional world of dragons from Pirrhya and Pantala. The entire series is centered on brave and brave dragons. Dragons are divided into seven tribes in the Dragon Saga: earth, night, sky, rainbow, sea, ice, and sand, which all have unique traits and physical distinctions. The fact that each tribe has its own queen is the only resemblance between them. With our Wings of Fire coloring pages, children will be furnished with a mysterious and exciting adventure. If your children love and want to discover more about dragons, this collection of wings of fire coloring pages is just for them. Our collection features many pictures of different characters in Wings Of Fire as well as the journey of the dragons. Children can practice their coloring skills and foster their creativity through various coloring activities. These coloring pages will also encourage your children to focus on details, and develop concentration, motor skills, and color recognition. Give your kids a chance to utilize their imagination to create stunning works of art that you can be proud of.