Trolls known as an American musical comedy film based on Troll dolls. The film tells about Trolls which are little cute creatures that have fun dancing, singing, and hugging all day long. If your child is a big fan of Trolls, you have come to the right place. We have compiled a plethora of Trolls coloring pages that help your child to maintain everlasting happiness like our Trolls. Besides having fun with a box of crayons and colored pencils, our coloring pages are a perfect place to practice more skills. They will help children to boost his/her sense of creativity or enhance cognitive skills and executive functions. In addition, coloring pages are a fun approach for kids of all ages to develop focus ability, motor skills, and color recognition. These worksheets are suitable for kids of all ages, from toddlers to preschoolers and kindergarteners. Trolls coloring pages consist of top characters, namely Branch, Bridget, Chef, King Peppy, DJ Suki, Biggie, Cooper, Bergens, and Poppy. Let’s dive into the world of color right now! Many fun coloring pages about Trolls await your little ones to fill in the gaps with vibrant colors.