Created, designed, developed, and published by Scott Cawthon, FNAF, often known as Five Nights at Freddy’s, is a series of American indie video game series. Since its first release in 2014, it has gained popularity worldwide. It comprises survival games that take place at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and requires players to protect themselves from attacks by using objects like lights, security cameras, doors, and vents. Mike Schmidt, the phone guy, the security guard, and the purple guy are some characters in the game. If your children want to explore FNAF strange characters, you have come to the right place. Our FNAF coloring pages are scary horror coloring pages that let your kids discover mysteries. We have a wide range of images such as Freddy portrait, Mangle, Nightmare Freddy, cute five nights at Freddy, chica, Bonnie, Toy Foxy, Minecraft Freddy, all characters, Toy Golden Freddy, Freddy Fazbear, etc. These scary FNAF coloring sheets are a perfect activity for children during Halloween and will help them get over their anxieties and fears.
Besides, you can explore more related coloring pages for other topics on our WorksheetZone website!