Captain America is known as a superhero appearing in American comic books launched by Marvel Comics. His costume is a combination of blue and red with a star on his chest, the headgear, gauntlets, belt, and shields set him apart from other heroes. He is one of the world’s mightiest heroes and the leader of the Avengers. Every child falls head over heels in love with this character and we’re sure your child is no exception. If your child is a big fan of Captain America, you have come to the right place. We have collected a myriad of Captain America coloring pages that help your child to boost his/her sense of creativity or enhance cognitive skills and executive functions. In addition, coloring pages are a fun approach for kids of all ages to develop focus ability, motor skills, and color recognition. Let’s dive into the world of color right now! Many fun Captain America coloring pages await your little ones to fill in the gaps with vibrant colors.