
Weather and Climate Worksheets 2024

Early on, most children develop a fascination with the weather and the changing seasons. With weather worksheets, you can now use this passion as an educational opportunity. Our weather worksheets go beyond the fundamentals, such as teaching students to know what the weather is like each day, and also include forecasting, wind, and the water cycle. Furthermore, there are many methods to keep your budding meteorologist interested, including writing prompts about the weather, creative crosswords, adorable coloring pages, and paper doll cut-out activities on our website.

Tips for Teaching Weather

The worksheets above can help introduce key Earth science skills by teaching about the common types of weather. These printable worksheets can be complemented with hands-on activities about weather and science. Here are a few activity ideas:

  1. Sing the Weather Song

In the warm-up section of your lesson, you can include a weather section – introduce this section by singing the weather song.

  1. Look outside

Get everyone to look outside by saying “How’s the weather? Look outside”. Give each student printed weather worksheets for them to describe.

  1. Put the weather pictures on the Weather Board

Invite some students to come up and put the weather pictures on the board. Make sure these students say the word as they put the card on the board.

Besides, we also provide various Science worksheets for other grades on this WorksheetZone website!

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