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Volcano Worksheets 2024

A volcano is an opening in Earth's crust that lets molten rock escape from deep inside the Earth. Inside the Earth's crust, molten rock is referred to as magma, and outside, it is referred to as lava. Gasses and magma are forced out of the opening and poured over the sides of the opening during a volcanic eruption. Above the volcano, a cloud of gasses, smoke, and dust fills the air. Mountains can be blasted away in large portions or built upon when volcanoes erupt. Lava flows, hot ash flows, or mudslides can all result from eruptions. Amounts of agriculture or forest can be destroyed by eruptions, and new islands can also be created. Tsunamis and earthquakes are two more natural catastrophes that can result from erupting volcanoes.

Natural disasters put everything in danger and kids should be informed of this by studying through our available worksheets. Giving theories or examples is good, but offering pictures of each disaster may attract kids’ attention and make them focus on learning about volcanoes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. Based on that intention, our website not only provides volcano worksheets but also provides a range of various worksheets about natural disasters for students of all ages. 

Besides, we also provide various Science worksheets for other grades on this WorksheetZone website!

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