
Encanto Worksheets 2024

Encanto, a film directed by Jared Bush, Byron Howard, and co-director Charise Castro Smith, tells the story of the Madrigals, a remarkable family who live secretly in the Colombian highlands in a lovely home, a bustling town, and a wondrous, charming location known as an Encanto. Every member of the family has been blessed by the magic of the Encanto with special talents, ranging from superhuman strength to the ability to heal, except for Mirabel. Mirabel, the only ordinary Madrigal, realizes she might be her exceptional family's last hope when she learns that the magic encircling the Encanto is in danger. If you are interested in Encanto and its amazing characters, we have prepared various  Encanto worksheets for you. These Language Arts worksheets can be used for writing and speaking practice from elementary up to high school. There will be a variety of questions and activities to help students dive deeper into the theme. Give these Encanto worksheets a try, and we’re sure that students will have wonderful hours of learning fun.

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